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Mark Koh

CEO & Co-founder, Supahands


Mark grew up in Sydney, Australia and has worked in the financial services sector where he has gained many years of experience in Finance (completed GDip. FinPlanning and attained CFP certification) and Business Development. As someone with a strong love for all things business, Mark has started, scaled and successfully ran a number of businesses, with Supahands being his main venture as the Chief Executive Officer, while also being involved with Pencil Produce Sdn. Bhd. as the Director of Strategy & Finance. Mark graduated from the University of Sydney with a BCom. Finance & Economics degree.

Having been in the outsourcing industry for over 5 years, Mark realised that entrepreneurs and small companies often faced problems with scaling their businesses quickly due to do the lack of capital and manpower. With that in mind, Koh teamed up with Susian Yeap to launchSupahandsin 2014, a virtual assistant platform that tapped into the idea of crowdsourcing manpower from multiple countries. Doing this solved the issue of the lack of labour support for businesses while also providing many communities with an opportunity to earn remotely as part of the Supahands task force.
Mr Tan Wae Leng
February 28, 2018
Dato Tajuddin Bin Atan
February 23, 2018